
Increasing the number of runs on the Amblève and its tributaries (Eau Rouge, Warche), as well as fry stocking on various streams and riprap work for spawning grounds (development of the Magiru stream), following the example of the Ru du Laid Trou fish pass completed in 2017.

Piscicultural management and rehabilitation of the pond site with the support of the town of Stavelot: discharges, organization of competitions and family days. The site is currently being cleaned in 2025, so fishing is temporarily closed.

partial pond emptying 2019

Intensification of introductory courses for young and old.

Stage 2024

Strengthening the partnership between the various river stakeholders: river contract, DNF, Fédération halieutique et piscicole du sous bassin de l’ Amblève FHPA, société des Pêcheurs Réunis de Basse-Bodeux-Coo-Trois-Ponts…

Amblève electric fishing April 2021 with the University of Liège

Raising awareness of modern, sporty, no-kill fishing that respects nature.

Active participation in the Coo cascade fish capture cage (early 2021): free movement of fish and now spawning trout, barbel and chub can once again swim upstream to reproduce.

Hosting and organizing competitions on the river and at the ponds.

Active participation in the provincial “Amblève” fario trout hatchery: Inaugurated in September 2019, its production capacity is around 230,000 eggs a year, enabling the reintroduction into the Amblève and its tributaries of fario trout capable of reproducing naturally in their environment. A long-term project whose effects are already being felt.

New in 2025