FISHING AREAS: (right and left banks to be considered downstream)
Range of flow rates for optimum fishing :
Petite Amblève: 1m³ to 4m³ at Lasnenville. Hydrometry in Wallonia – Height
Warche: 1m³ to 6m³ at Malmedy. Hydrometry in Wallonia – Height
Amblève: 1m³ to 9m³ at Stavelot. Hydrometry in Wallonia – Height
PS: when water is released from the Bévercé hydroelectric plant, an additional 2 to 3m³ flows directly into the Warche; this extra water mass takes 3 hours to reach the Amblève at Stavelot.
The courses are divided into 3 distinct zones according to the rules that apply:
FARIO” zone = Petite Amblève = points 1 to 5:
Fishing with natural baits is permitted with touch-tackle.
The taking of fario trout is forbidden!
ARC” ZONE = Warche points 7 to 10 and Amblève points 11 to 17 :
Fishing with natural bait is authorized on hook n°2.
The taking of fario trout is forbidden! Total protection!
RUISSEAU” ZONE = Warche point 6/Rechterbach/Warchenne/Eau Rouge points 18 to 20:
Fishing with natural bait is prohibited.
The harvesting of fario trout is prohibited. Total protection!
A) FARIO ZONE: Petite Amblève (upstream from its confluence with the Warche) = 9.080km of riverbanks.

Pont-Ligneuville: Pont Borgueuse Hé = access point 1: 1260m.
. Course: 630m on each bank downstream from the bridge. Caution on the right bank; 260m in the water only, no shore fishing!
. Parking: at the bridge.
. GPS: N50.36833°x E6.03552°°
Lasnenville quarry: Upstream quarry = access point 2 : 2180m.
. Route: 785m left bank and 1395m right bank along the quarry to the bridge
de la goffe Thérèse.
Parking: Point 2 or 3. Parking at the quarry and crossing the quarry on foot prohibited!
. GPS point 2: N50.37544435 x E6.01828298
Goffe Thérèse : Lasnenville bridge = access point 3 : 2000m.
Course: 1000m on each bank downstream from the bridge.
Parking: Point 3(drive at a walking pace on the small access road!) or 4.
.GPS point 3: N50,37966175 x E6,00899430
Salle de Belvâ : Pont Planche = access point 4 : 3400m + 240m ruisseau du moulin.
Course: 1700m on each bank downstream from the bridge + 120m on each bank of the mill stream behind the hall.
Parking: point 4 at Bellevaux hall or point 5.
.GPS point 4: N50.38580573 x E6.01053451
Thioux: Warche-Amblève confluence = access point 5 : .
. Route: downstream limit of Petite Amblève.
. Parking: point 5 at the Thioux bridge.
. GPS point 5: N50.38688° x E5.99147° .
B) ARC ZONE: Warche and Amblève = 29.285km of riverbanks.
1. The Warche at Malmedy: 11.705km of riverbanks.

Avenue de la Libération: Movie Mills = access point 7: 2405m
- Course: 1255m right bank and 1150m left bank downstream of the Avenue de la Libération bridge to the Colruyt bridge.
- Parking: median strip at My Hôtel.
- GPS: N50.43536° x E6.02902°
City entrance: Pont du Colruyt = access point 8: 3750m
- Course: 1930m left bank and 1820m right bank from the Colruyt bridge to below the ravel bridge (sncb bridge).
- Access and parking: Easy access from the shore via the Colruyt bridge or the Ravel bridge.
- GPS: N50.42582° x E6.02157°
Aval Pont de Warche (= access point 9) – end of zoning (= access point 10): 4900m
- Route: 2300m left bank from the Pont de Warche at the entrance to Malmedy to below the Rocher de Falize.
2600m right bank idem. - GPS: point 9 = N50.41739° x E5.99895° and point 10 = N50.41162° x E5.99612°.
- Please note: from the Pont de Warche over a length of 800m, only in-water fishing is permitted on both banks. It is strictly forbidden to go through the companies on foot and to fish from the shore.
.NEW 2023 Thioux: Warche-Amblève confluence = access point 11 : 650m
Route:410m right bank upstream of the Thioux bridge and 120m double bank downstream of the bridge.
Parking:point 5/11 at Thioux bridge.
.GPS point 11: N50.38688° x E5.99147°
2. Amblève downstream of the confluence with the Warche = 17.580km of banks

NEW 2023 Thioux = access point 11 / Rocher de Warche and Lodomez=no vehicle access: 6400m
- Course: 2950m left bank and 3450m right bank from the confluence with the Warche to the Passerelle de Challes.
- GPS: N50.38699° x E5.99136°
- Please note that access to the river through the village of Lodomez and parking of vehicles on the dirt roads between the fields overlooking the Amblève is strictly forbidden, under penalty of immediate withdrawal of membership card. Our authorization to fish depends on compliance with these conditions and respect for the working farmers. When scout camps are present, fishing takes place in the water or on the right bank; do not cross the camps!
Please note that the road leading to the Rocher de Warche is “except for local residents”; please park in the parking lot at the bottom of the village (= parking lot point 5/11 “Pont de Thioux”).
Passerelle de Challes= access point n°12: 1720m
- Course: 860 m on each bank to the confluence with the Eau Rouge.
- GPS: N50.39327° x E5.95458°
- To park at point 12, drive at walking pace and affix your company rules and regulations to the dashboard of your car so that you can be identified as an angler by the police. Parking for fishermen is authorized at the footbridge despite the road “except for residents” (preferably park at point 13).
Amblève-Eau Rouge confluence= access point n°13: 1500m.
- Route: 750 m on each bank to the Bressaix bridge.
- Parking: at the confluence.
- GPS: N50.39520° x E5.94667°
- Warning: fishing prohibited 50 m downstream of the dam and fish pass.
Canal Engie and bypass= access point n°14: 1720m.
- Route: 860 m on each bank to the Place du 18 Décembre 1944 bridge.
- Parking: Pont des Bressaix.
Pont des Bressaix= access point n°14: 760m.
- Route: 380m on each bank to the Place du 18 Décembre 1944 bridge.
- Parking: at the bridge.
- GPS: N50.39401° x E5.93565°
Place du 18 Décembre 1944 = access point n°15: 1255 m.
- Route: 690m left bank and 565m right bank to wastewater treatment plant.
- Parking: at Half Track.
- GPS: N50.39110° x E5.93188°
Bout du Monde: 4225 m.
- Course shared with the Société des pêcheurs réunis de Trois-Ponts.
- Route: 2000 m right bank from the first field behind the ponds.
2225 m left bank after the wood following the sewage treatment plant (access by water).
Either both banks to the ru de Bouyen. - Access from ponds= access point n°16: GPS: N50.38836° x E5.92807°
- Access from the main road= pt accès n°17: GPS: N50.38531° x E5.91759°
C) RIVER ZONE: 13.485km of shoreline.
La Warche at Bévercé: Nelles quarry = access point 6: 1.080km of banks
- Course: 900m right bank at the quarry.
180m left bank downstream from the quarry (in-water fishing only). - Parking: at the quarry entrance.
- GPS: N50.44464° x E6.05173°
L’Eau Rouge: 8.815 km of shoreline.

Blanchimont = Access point 18: 4720m
- Route: 2220m right bank (of which 700m in the water only) and 2500m left bank from Blanchimont to the Eau Rouge campsite.
- Parking: zoning Blanchimont.
- GPS: N50.42941° x E5.95860°
Camping de l’Eau Rouge = access point 19: 2040 m.
- Course: 1020m double bank from Pont des Moutons to Pont de Cheneux.
- Parking: at the bridge.
- GPS: N50.41199° x E5.95339°
Chefosse: Pont de Cheneux = access point 20: 2055 m.
- Course: 1205m right bank and 850m left bank to the confluence with the Amblève. Warning: crossing and fishing in the Challes campsite prohibited!
- Parking: at the bridge.
- GPS: N50.40410° x E5.95247°
The Warchenne at Malmedy: 3.090km of riverbanks (fragmented course)

- Zone A “Arimont”: 115m double bank at Chemin du Val. GPS: N50.427826° x E6.064154°
- Zone B “Winbomont”: 530m right bank upstream and downstream of Carrefour store. GPS: N50.42130° x E6.04302°.
- Zone C “downtown”: 1115m double bank from the Rue Joseph Werson bridge to the confluence with the Warche. Fishing possible in the water only! GPS: N50.42425° x E6.03633°.
3. The Rechterberg at Pont-Ligneuville: 0.70km of riverbanks.

- Route: 700m right bank upstream from its confluence with the Amblève.
- Access and parking: see Petite Amblève at Pont-Ligneuville = access point 1 on map.
For further details, please refer to the course map or our website. In the field, the fishing zones are always marked out by the company’s signs, blue plaques bearing the white letters ‘La Truite’.
Water-only” zones are marked with a red dotted line on the map, and in the field the company nameplates are completed with the words “in the water”.